EMP?….Does that come with fries? (Fried hard drives maybe)

Iran has recently been confirmed to be in favor of using an EMP attack against the united states. What’s an EMP?

Wow…crazy,huh? EMP attacks are a serious threat and, if successful, could completely change life as we know it instantaneously. Imagine no mo electricity, no computers (that goes for the computers that make newer cars operate), no ATM’s to take money out….heck no bank records at all if the whole computer system is now fried.

Dang….and here is the scariest thing about this type of attack. It doesn’t even have to hit a specific target to be effective. An EMP can explode in the atmosphere high above us and be able to knock out a good portion of the power in North America.

emp 1

EMP attack chatter has been growing steadily across the internet with vigilance alerts for Iran and even China. It’s hard to say when/if something like this may ever happen. But it is very easy to say that this is something that does exist and is currently in play with several different countries. If the power ever goes out…..remember….stay calm. Try to stay as calm as possible and don’t contribute to the chaos that the people in power want you to buy into.

As always people…stay vigilant. God Bless you all and stay strong.