Agenda 2030


Anyone remember Agenda 21? Anyone?…..Anyone?

Well, those of you that do may/may not be surprised to learn of it’s evolution into a new Agenda put forth by the United Nations called Agenda 2030. What is this you ask? Agenda 2030 is basically an outline of how we should transition as a planet into a new world. This will dictate every aspect of our lives (Food supply, housing, education, etc). And all this is under the guise of bettering the world and ending world poverty by 2030. You don’t think this is a real thing? Check this out.

Now this may seem like a great, noble thing right? Well, a lot of people are saying they will be able to eliminate poverty in the world by eliminating those in poverty. No more hungry if you eliminate the hungry. Extreme? Think about it. World depopulation is a theme in various circles for various reasons. As usual, I ask you to make your own decisions.

This “Agenda” will begin this September and is being backed by world leaders from all the major countries. This all ties together with my last post about the events being predicted to occur this September. I feel one of them may be the implementation of this new world strategy as well as CERN opening a dimensional portal. Either way, it’s probably going to get messy out there people. Please stay strong, stay vigilant and keep God close to you. I love you all.

Our history is not what we think!

Hey everyone,

July 4th is right around the corner, Independence Day (No Will Smith). In honor of celebrating our history as a country, I want to share a video I just watched. It definitely will make you think about our history as a universe. God Bless you all and be safe.

Project HAARP


No, it’s not a society for the elderly. It’s proper title is The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, whew…..trying saying that five times fast. HAARP is a program that began in the 90’s. Located in Alaska, the facility is comprised of about 180 antennae that can be simultaneously directed to point at any specific location.


The craziest thing about HAARP though, is the conspiracy theories revolving around it’s purpose. A lot of people think that these antennae, when pointed at a location, has the ability to alter weather patterns and cause disasters such as earthquakes and storms. HAARP has also been said to have the ability to mind control humans and also disable satellites.

Now this theory ties in with another theory you may/may not be aware of. This is the theory regarding “chemtrails”. Now if you have never heard, chemtrails are the exhaust trails you see after certain airplanes fly by overhead. Here is an example:


Now I know what you’re going to say….that’s just normal exhaust from a commercial airline. Once again….it’s up to you to do the research and make up your own mind. But here is a picture of the difference between normal exhaust and a chemtrail. The chemtrail is usually much longer and stays in the air for a longer period of time.



This supposedly, is all to carry out a process of Geoengineering with the human race. These chemicals are rumored to be making us sicker, effecting our food supply, even filling the air with chemicals that make the atmosphere more receptive to the processes of HAARP or Project Blue Beam (we’ll cover that soon).

Although HAARP is supposed to be shut down this year, I wouldn’t be surprised if they run it all on the low. Do your research, stay vigilant and God Bless.


Mysterious Black Rings in the Sky

Recently it was reported that people in Kazakhstan had seen mysterious dark rings in the sky. The rings looked like smoke, but held in place for 15 minutes and spanned approx. 100m wide.

Next question, where is Kazakhstan even at?


Ok good….we are up to speed now. These mysterious rings may be something to keep an eye on in the future. And do you notice how they started to reappear around the day CERN reactivated for the first time in years? Some say these rings may be CERN’s attempt to open the portals between dimensions….some say its JoJo smokin a little too much. You gotta do the research as always.

Now on the way out….here is a thought to leave you with though. Why Kazakhstan? Isn’t this all it is like there?


Not quite so. Kazakhstan is actually one of the hot spots for illuminati activity in the world. Laugh if you must, but I’ll leave you with some pictures to think over. God Bless you all, stay vigilant as always….Don’t let the media agenda lead you astray. This is the real Kazakhstan….

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EMP?….Does that come with fries? (Fried hard drives maybe)

Iran has recently been confirmed to be in favor of using an EMP attack against the united states. What’s an EMP?

Wow…crazy,huh? EMP attacks are a serious threat and, if successful, could completely change life as we know it instantaneously. Imagine no mo electricity, no computers (that goes for the computers that make newer cars operate), no ATM’s to take money out….heck no bank records at all if the whole computer system is now fried.

Dang….and here is the scariest thing about this type of attack. It doesn’t even have to hit a specific target to be effective. An EMP can explode in the atmosphere high above us and be able to knock out a good portion of the power in North America.

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EMP attack chatter has been growing steadily across the internet with vigilance alerts for Iran and even China. It’s hard to say when/if something like this may ever happen. But it is very easy to say that this is something that does exist and is currently in play with several different countries. If the power ever goes out…..remember….stay calm. Try to stay as calm as possible and don’t contribute to the chaos that the people in power want you to buy into.

As always people…stay vigilant. God Bless you all and stay strong.

Thanks…Now Get OUT!!!


Dang….now this is cold blooded y’all. Disney….the company known for it’s low-key sexual propaganda and other questionable principals (research it guys….especially you parents out there) has now started showing its loyalty to its worker drones.

Reported yesterday in the New York Times, apparently Disney laid off 250 of it’s employees. And not the janitors or the 15 year old that locks your harness at Space Mountain. These were 250 of the people that kept monitor over the park and the data system that kept it so “perfect”. Now, why would Disney do that? Are they replacing their positions with automation? …No. Are they upgrading and don’t need as many employees anymore?….No. They got outsourced. Disney hired workers through an outsourcing firm in India. Now keep in mind the point……The workers were not doing a bad job, they just were replaceable by someone who will work cheaper. Now here is the kicker though everyone….(drum roll)…..Disney made those people train their Indian replacements. Ain’t that something else?? And this is the company that makes all the stuff your kids play with/watch/listen to/wear, etc. Disney is a whole other ball of wax. You gotta get past the Mickey. I can show you, it’s up to you to do the research though. Be vigilant and God Bless…..The Watchman Out.

Senseless Violence

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Baltimore 2015.

City engulfed in riots. On April 12, 2015, Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old African American resident of Baltimore,Maryland, sustained injuries following his arrest by policemen. Mr. Gray was supposedly in good health at the time of his arrest, but passed away soon after due to body trauma supposedly caused to him by local police during the arrest.

It’s definitely plausible. Especially with the turns that this country is currently headed towards. Here are a few examples…..Let’s look at Chicago (or “Chi-raq” as it’s been dubbed). Chi-raq. This is a city where 300 people or so a month get shot….and that’s only the reported shootings or the number the press is allowed to put out there I’m sure. New York is getting worse after being seemingly on the upswing for awhile. Here’s the craziest part I feel, these places have some of the most stringent anti-gun laws in the country. People are wylin’ out.

Now for the flip flop. And walk with me here as I propose something. Maybe all this recent violence was being designed? Am I crazy? I am just proposing all angles….it’s up to you as always to do the research and make a call for yourself. But entertain me.  What if this was all put in place to help divide us as people and cause a breakdown of our traditional “police force”, which will be deemed to weak to handle our current society and it will be a reason for the military to step in (martial law?).

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You had the mayor basically stepping aside for rioters, you supposedly had the Nation of Islam coordinating the major gangs in the area to help launch a 3am riot, and look at Ferguson where supposedly police were told to stand down at points. When else would the police so blatently tolerate disorder on this magnatude. I mean, most police would pepper spray a non-violent group of hippie protesters the minute their Phish music got too loud (no offense my hippie brothers/sisters….I am using this as a demonstration of your unjust treatment). How would they stand back while their vehicles were being blown up. Flashback all this to the riots in California awhile back (Rodney King, Reginald Denny…anyone?). This has been going on for awhile and we are the dogs in the dog fight.

Like my favorite group Public Enemy once said “Don’t believe the hype”. I pray everyone wakes up out there. I love you all and pray God watches over you during these times and keeps you safe. Be aware my friends, all is not what it seems.

Time To Get ConCERNed….get it? I kill me.


Well everyone….hope you are ready for things to start getting weird. CERN has announced that it is going to start up again tomorrow morning in the quest to discover elusive “dark matter”, unseen to the human eye. For those of you unfamiliar with CERN, here is a quick briefing (once again….its up to you to do the research):

In technical terms it’s the European Organization for Nuclear Research and is the world’s largest particle physics lab. The gigantic particle collider was responsible for recently uncovering the Higgs Boson particle (aka The God Particle). They are searching to recreate the Big Bang and harness “dark matter”.

You say, so what? That’s some NERD stuff, C! I ain’t got time for particles dog! Well listen to what my boy Stephen “The Hawk” Hawking had to say about CERN’s reactivation. Dr. Stephen Hawking recently warned that the reactivation in March of CERN’s large hadron collider could pose grave dangers to our planet…the ultimate reality check we are warned. Hawking has come straight out and said the ‘God particle’ found by CERN “could destroy the universe” leaving time and space collapsed.

As a foreshadow, check out the statue in front of the CERN Headquarter’s.


Does CERN headquarter’s symbol of Shiva, dancing the cosmic dance of death and destruction, signal the TRUE purpose of CERN’s existence? A look at the ‘Shiva’ (the Hindu God of Destruction) symbology surrounding CERN’s headquarters gives us the beginning of what we need to know. Some say it’s innocent science. some say it’s going to open a portal to hell. You make the call. Be safe everyone and stay vigilant. God Bless you all.

Operation Jade Helm


Operation Jade Helm. A lot of people are aware of this “conspiracy theory”….are you? Here’s what it’s all about, I just get you started….it’s up to do the research if you choose to do such.

According to Wikipedia:

“The exercise will involve U.S. Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) with other U.S Armed Forces units in a multi-state exercise that includes Texas, Arizona, New Mexico,Utah and Colorado.[3] The USASOC claimed, “the size and scope of Jade Helm sets this one apart” from previous training exercises.[4]

Some parts of the operational details have been disclosed, including the fact that there will be 1,200 troops participating, and according to CNN, “mainly Army Green Berets, but also a small group of Navy SEALS and Air Force special operations troops as well as conventional Army infantry.”

Basically, the military will be conducting a huge “training exercise” that will span 7 states. The exercise is set to run July 15 to Sept. 15. Below is a picture of the released map of the training area. Notice how some states are blue and others are red? Why? The kicker about this “conspiracy theory” is we will get to see what unfolds…..and very soon at that. Be safe my brothers and sisters. I pray for you all. God Bless you and stay strong.

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The Charlie Charlie Challenge

charlie2This is a hot new one getting viral throughout all the social media outlets as I am sure you may have seen.  This “game” involves using pencils and a piece of paper to act as sort of a poor mans ouija board. The participants call upon a demon named Charlie that, it is said, comes from Mexican folklore. Charlie will then use the pencils and paper to respond to the questions you ask…thus leading to a lot of hilarity and fun, right?

As I’m sure I don’t need to tell you, summoning demons for any reason is not fun and harmless. That’s exactly what a lot of the media outlets are portraying this as.  If you Google this, you will notice that a majority of the news sites writing about this phrase everything to seem like it’s just harmless fun and if you take it too seriously you’re an idiot. I pray for the parents blinded to things like this that allow their children to participate in games like this just going off what they say on Good Morning America before school. Your inability to care is allowing people to unknowingly flood this world with demonic presences that will ultimately contribute to the downfall of this world as we know it. But it’s all good….please go back to things that really matter like 50 Shades of Grey. Before you go telling me to get off my high horse and chill out, I am a parent and, God willing, I would never let my children believe that there isn’t more to a game like this. I want my children to know their enemy and understand the world around them instead of hiding them in some bubble until they become adults and learn the hard way and have to go to therapy twice a week and stay medicated just to cope.

So anyways….The Charlie Charlie Challenge. Stay aware. Stay Vigilant. I love you all and God Bless.