Agenda 2030


Anyone remember Agenda 21? Anyone?…..Anyone?

Well, those of you that do may/may not be surprised to learn of it’s evolution into a new Agenda put forth by the United Nations called Agenda 2030. What is this you ask? Agenda 2030 is basically an outline of how we should transition as a planet into a new world. This will dictate every aspect of our lives (Food supply, housing, education, etc). And all this is under the guise of bettering the world and ending world poverty by 2030. You don’t think this is a real thing? Check this out.

Now this may seem like a great, noble thing right? Well, a lot of people are saying they will be able to eliminate poverty in the world by eliminating those in poverty. No more hungry if you eliminate the hungry. Extreme? Think about it. World depopulation is a theme in various circles for various reasons. As usual, I ask you to make your own decisions.

This “Agenda” will begin this September and is being backed by world leaders from all the major countries. This all ties together with my last post about the events being predicted to occur this September. I feel one of them may be the implementation of this new world strategy as well as CERN opening a dimensional portal. Either way, it’s probably going to get messy out there people. Please stay strong, stay vigilant and keep God close to you. I love you all.