Project HAARP


No, it’s not a society for the elderly. It’s proper title is The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, whew…..trying saying that five times fast. HAARP is a program that began in the 90’s. Located in Alaska, the facility is comprised of about 180 antennae that can be simultaneously directed to point at any specific location.


The craziest thing about HAARP though, is the conspiracy theories revolving around it’s purpose. A lot of people think that these antennae, when pointed at a location, has the ability to alter weather patterns and cause disasters such as earthquakes and storms. HAARP has also been said to have the ability to mind control humans and also disable satellites.

Now this theory ties in with another theory you may/may not be aware of. This is the theory regarding “chemtrails”. Now if you have never heard, chemtrails are the exhaust trails you see after certain airplanes fly by overhead. Here is an example:


Now I know what you’re going to say….that’s just normal exhaust from a commercial airline. Once again….it’s up to you to do the research and make up your own mind. But here is a picture of the difference between normal exhaust and a chemtrail. The chemtrail is usually much longer and stays in the air for a longer period of time.



This supposedly, is all to carry out a process of Geoengineering with the human race. These chemicals are rumored to be making us sicker, effecting our food supply, even filling the air with chemicals that make the atmosphere more receptive to the processes of HAARP or Project Blue Beam (we’ll cover that soon).

Although HAARP is supposed to be shut down this year, I wouldn’t be surprised if they run it all on the low. Do your research, stay vigilant and God Bless.